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Notice of Privacy

In order to comply with the provisions of the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (LFPDPPP), the company Human Intro Group S.C., commercially determined for the area of ​​market research and public opinion as “SECRETOS DE MÉXICO”— henceforth identified—, as affiliates and under common control for the purposes of the LFPDPPP, which operates under the same internal processes and policies, it informs you of this Privacy Notice, which applies to the personal data collected with the prior consent of the Holder— participant, respondent, interviewee—, and by means of which you are informed of the treatment that SECRETOS DE MÉXICO in its capacity as Responsible will carry out with the personal data that is provided to us.

SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, with address at Av. Coyoacán, Edificio 4 piso 2 #1622 Col. Del Valle, Código Postal 03100, Delegación Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México, phone number 55 4167 3492, and web page www.secretosdemexico.com.mx, as Responsible for collecting your personal data, the use and protection that is given to  it, through the implementation of technical, administrative and physical security measures that protect it against any damage, loss, alteration, destruction or the use, access or treatment not authorized by you as the Holder, since we are aware of the importance of protecting your privacy from third parties and your right to informational self-determination.

This Privacy Notice contains the following terms and conditions:

I.- Personal data that we collect and purposes of the treatment.

In SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, we require to obtain and process the following personal data of the Holder:

Identification and contact information: Name, birth date, age, sex, marital status, address (being private or from work), email address (being private or from work), phone number (being private or from work); clave del Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC); Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP) and consumer preferences, through consent either by signature, image or voice.

Patrimonial and/or financial data: Type of credit/debit card or bank accounts that you handle; household appliances.

Labor data: Occupation; occupation of the head of the family; level of command of the family level.

Academic data: Last grade of schooling; last grade of schooling of the head of the family.

SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, to carry out the verification of the personal’s data identity of the Holder, can obtain the voter’s credential; the passport, or the identity card of the national military service released.

Also, SECRETOS DE MÉXICO in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice in the case of conducting public opinion and market studies, it will collect and process sensitive personal data that refers to your political opinion, union affiliation, religious, moral and ethical beliefs, as well as health condition. SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, in its capacity as Responsible, undertakes that the sensitive personal data will be treated under the strictest security measures, guaranteeing its confidentiality.

SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, will be able to collect personal data when the Holder visits affluence centers and is contacted by our interviewers, at home -house to house-, when the person in charge or the managers communicate by telephone with the Holder, through group sessions (focus groups), ethnographies (anthropological studies) in-depth interviews, ethnography, or, through the use of the contact link on our website, for the voluntary provision of information through questionnaires applied on the site corresponding to the Responsible, as well as through the use of cookies when browsing our website.

The Responsible may also collect personal data from publicly accessible sources, and from other sources available in the market to which the Holder may have given the consent to share personal information.

The personal data of the Holder is collected and processed by SECRETOS DE MÉXICO in its capacity as Responsible directly or through its managers, to carry out the following main purposes:

  1. Conduct surveys or apply questionnaires to carry out research for market, public opinion and media studies;
  2. Carry out studies on the demographic data, interests and behavior of its clients, users, consumers, suppliers, and those third parties with whom it deals;
  3. Invite the Holder to participate in surveys or questionnaires to carry out research for market, public opinion and communication studies;
  4. Give access to the different services of their corresponding websites including the download of content and formats;
  5. Invite the Holder to participate in online discussion forums, conversations by text, about products and / services, or debates on current political, social, moral, ethical or cultural issues;
  6. Invite the Holder to share its comments or suggestions about products and services;
  7. Conduct telephone interviews with the Holders for the application of questionnaires for studies of public opinion and media, by recording them;
  8. Make the video recording either in person or online to carry out group sessions (focus groups), in-depth interviews, and / or ethnographies; and
  9. Verify the participation of the Holder in the investigations for market, public opinion and communication studies.

On the other hand, the Responsible, will use the personal information for the following secondary purposes, only if the consent is previously requested, and the interviewee grants it to us:

  1. Invite you to participate in group sessions, in-depth interviews or purchase simulations related to this study; and
  2. The information may be reviewed by our client, to verify the profile of the participants in group sessions, ethnographies, in-depth interviews or purchase simulations, related to this study.

In case you do not want your personal data to be used for the secondary purposes described above, please indicate it below:

I do not consent to my personal data being used for the following purposes:

_____ Secondary purpose A

_____ Secondary purpose B

 The Responsible, requires sharing personal data with providers of lifting services, automated data processing; and, for the administration and management of databases, and their storage; authentication and validation of emails; and audit services.

In case of minors, safeguarding personal data is extremely important to SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, therefore, our commitment is to collect the essential minimum of personal information, such as your first name and age, with the prior written consent of one of your parents or legal guardian. For this, SECRETOS DE MÉXICO will verify the representation of the mother / father or legal guardian through the birth certificate, official identification, and / or corresponding legal documentation.

For this purpose, we ask you to indicate whether or not you authorize the treatment of the minor, whose personal data is being used:

 __________ I agree and consent that the minor’s personal data be treated in accordance with the terms and conditions of this privacy notice.

________________________________________________Name and signature of the Mother / Father or guardian.

 SECRETOS DE MÉXICO has implemented and maintained the strictest security measures to ensure the confidentiality of minors.

II.- Consent of the Holder of personal data.

The Holder states that this Privacy Notice has been made known to him by the Responsible. In the event that the Holder does not agree to the treatment that the Responsible Party will give to the personal data, in the terms of this Privacy Notice, the Holder may deny the consent at any time, opposing to provide us with the personal data in the act that is required, or through the options and mechanisms that have been implemented for this purpose in this Privacy Notice.

In the case of personal data that is not considered sensitive, patrimonial or financial, and the Holder does not oppose the terms of this Privacy Notice, its content will be considered agreed and consented, in terms of the third paragraph of article 8 of the LFPDPPP.

The consent of the Holder may be revoked at any time by him, without retroactive effects being attributed, under the terms and in accordance with the procedures established below in this Privacy Notice.

In the event that the personal data collected includes sensitive or patrimonial and / or financial data, the Responsible will carry out acts that collect and constitute the express consent of the Holder in terms of the second paragraph of article 8 of the LFPDPPP, and other applicable laws, either by signing the corresponding format, whether printed, or using electronic means, through direct responses in telephone interviews, and the corresponding processes for the formation of consent, or through express consent and supply of personal information by the Holder of personal data.


In terms of what is established in article 9 of the Ley Federal de Protección a los Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, your express consent is requested for the processing of personal financial and / or patrimonial data, indicating whether or not you accept the treatment:

 _______ I consent that my personal financial and / or patrimonial data be treated as I have previously stated under the terms and conditions of this privacy notice.

 Name of the Holder _____________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________________________

 Signature of the Holder______________________________________________________________________

 In terms of the same law, in the case of your sensitive data we require your express consent in writing through your signature, for the treatment, indicating whether or not you accept:

 _______ I consent that my sensitive data be treated as I have previously stated under the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

 Name of the Holder ______________________________________________________________________

 Signature of the Holder ________________________________________________________________________

However, any provision of this Privacy Notice, the Holder acknowledges that the consent will not be required for the processing of personal data by the Responsible or third parties in any of the cases indicated in article 10 of the LFPDPPP.

 III.- Transfers of personal data.

The Responsible or any of its Managers, with the prior consent of the Holder, may transfer personal data to national or foreign third parties, clients of the Responsible, with the understanding that the treatment that said third parties give to the Holder’s personal data must be adjusted to what is established in this Privacy Notice, and only with the following secondary purpose: Verify the profile of the participants in group sessions, ethnographies, in-depth interviews or shopping simulations.

We inform you that for the indicated transfers, we require obtaining your express written consent:

If you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it, so we ask you to indicate whether you accept the transfer or not.

 _______I consent to my personal data being transferred under the terms indicated in this Privacy Notice.

 Name and signature__________________________________________________________________________

 ________ I consent that my sensitive personal, patrimonial and / or financial data be transferred in the terms indicated in this Privacy Notice.

 Name and signature__________________________________________________________________________

We undertake not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the LFPDPPP, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by that law.

Secretos de México, in its capacity as Responsible and / or its Managers may transfer the personal data collected from the Holder to any other company of the same business group to which the Responsible belongs, either the holding company, subsidiaries or affiliates and / or operating with the same processes and internal policies, whether they are in national territory or abroad for the treatment with the same purposes described in this Privacy Notice, and that in terms of the LFPDPPP your consent is not required for this.

If the personal information is transferred to be processed in a country other than where it was provided, with your consent if necessary, said transfer will be in accordance with current Mexican legislation, and applicable personal data protection laws.

On the other hand, and in the event that your personal data is processed in order to participate in group sessions, ethnographies, in-depth interviews and / or personal interviews, either as a participant (interviewee, respondent or informant), or supplier (recruiter or moderator), and as a secondary purpose, you authorize the Responsible to comply with the quality required in the Estándar de Servicio para la Investigación de Mercados en México (ESIMM), and other AMAI rules.

It should be noted that the Holder may object to the sharing of the information with the AMAI, for which the Holder must do so expressly, through the opposition mechanisms that for this purpose have been indicated in advance. The above excludes the participant to join group sessions, personal interviews, in-depth interviews and / or ethnographic studies.

For the transfer of the information to AMAI, in the cases already mentioned, we need to obtain your express consent in writing:

It should be noted that the Holder may deny the consent for the information to be shared with the AMAI, which must be done expressly, through the following statement, indicating whether or not the transference is accepted

_______I consent that my personal data is being transferred or shared with AMAI.

Name and signature of the holder_______________________________________________________

The foregoing excludes the participant to join group sessions, in-depth interviews, ethnographic studies and / or personal interviews by virtue of being an essential requirement to be included in the study in question.

IV.- Conservation and security of personal data.

The Responsible and / or its Managers will keep the personal data of the Holder during the public time that is necessary to process market, opinion and media research studies, as well as the requests for information to maintain accounting, financial and audit records in terms of the LFPDPPP and the current commercial, fiscal and administrative legislation.

The Personal Data of the Holder collected by the Responsible and / or its Managers will be protected by adequate administrative, technical and physical security measures against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment, in accordance with the provisions in the LFPDPPP and the administrative regulation derived from it.

V.- Use of “cookies” on our website.

SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, obtains information through its Internet page through the use of cookies, understood as “cookie”, the data file that is stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer, when the user has access to the Responsible’ s page. These files may contain information such as the identification provided by the user, or information to track the user’s preference pages, to monitor their behavior as an Internet user, to provide them with a better service and user experience when browsing our page. A cookie cannot read data or information from the user’s hard drive or read cookies created by other sites or pages.

In case you want to reject cookies or accept them selectively, you can do so by adjusting your browser preferences. Please, consult the instructions of your browser to expand this information.

VI.- Personal Data Department / Privacy Office.

For any communication about our Privacy Notice, it is necessary that you send your request electronically addressed to the Process Facilitator, who serves as our privacy office, to the email address contacto@secretosdemexico.com.mx, or to https://secretosdemexico.com.mx/, or, submit your request in writing to the office of Human Intro Group S.C and its business company Secretos de México, located in Av. Coyoacán, Edificio 4 piso 2 #1622 Col. Del Valle, Código Postal 03100, Delegación Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

VII.- Procedure to exercise ARCO rights.  

You as the Holder, or through your representative, have the right to access your personal data that you have authorized us to process, to know the information regarding the conditions of its treatment; as well as to rectify if there is inaccurate or incomplete data; in addition, you may request the cancellation of SECRETOS DE MÉXICO at any time when you consider that data is not being treated in accordance with the principles and duties established by the LFPDPPP and its regulations, or, oppose the treatment of the same for specific purposes, that is, the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, ARCO by its acronym.

Secretos de México, has implemented as a mechanism for the exercise of said rights, the presentation of a request for information in our offices at the address indicated in this privacy notice, addressed to our Privacy Office, or, in the electronic or physical address indicated with advance.

To attend to your request, it must contain the following information:

  1. The name of the holder, address, telephone and / or email address to communicate the response to your request;
  2. The documents that prove the identity (voter’s credential, passport, professional card, or FM3) in photocopy, or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Holder (simple copy in printed or electronic format with signature of the Holder, the representative and the corresponding official identifications – voter card, passport, professional card, or FM-3);
  3. The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, and
  4. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of your personal data.

In the case of requests for rectification of your personal data, you must also indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports your request.

Secretos de México, account in terms of the LFPDPPP, with a maximum period of twenty business days, counted from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, to inform the Holder of the determination adopted, so that, if it is appropriate, it becomes effective within fifteen days following the date on which the response is communicated to the Holder. The aforementioned terms may be extended only once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify.

In the case of requests for access to personal data, the Responsible Party will proceed with its delivery, prior accreditation of the identity of the applicant or their legal representative, as appropriate. The delivery of personal data will be free, except for shipping costs or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats, which must be paid by the Holder or the Legal Representative. If the Holder reiterates the request in a period of less than twelve months, he must cover the corresponding costs equivalent to no more than 3 days of the Minimum Wage in Force in the Federal District in terms of the LFPDPPP, unless there are substantial modifications to the Privacy Notice that motivate new consultations.

For the purposes of requests for cancellation of personal data, in addition to the provisions of this Privacy Notice, the provisions of article 26 of the LFPDPPP will be followed, including the cases of exception of cancellation of personal data indicated there.

VIII.- Revocation, limitation to the use or disclosure of your personal data.

You can revoke the consent that you have given us for the processing of your personal data, at any time, so that we stop using them, except for the assumptions established in article 10 of the LFPDPPP. In order for SECRETOS DE MÉXICO to be able to respond your revocation request, you must provide the information indicated in points 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the previous paragraph VII, before our area that serves as our Privacy Office through the means indicated in paragraph VI of this Privacy Notice.

SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, will respond to your request within a maximum period of ten business days after receipt of your revocation request, and will inform you about the origin of the same, by sending an email to the email address indicated by you in your request. It is important to consider that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request or conclude the use of your personal data immediately, since it is possible that for some legal obligation we require to continue treating your data.

We offer you the possibility of limiting the use or disclosure of your personal data to participate in our interviews, surveys or group sessions, or for the use of your data for the secondary purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, by sending an email to: contacto@secretosdemexico.com.mx, in order to be registered in the corresponding exclusion list, according to your request. You can also limit the use, unsubscribe or disclosure of your data by sending a letter to SECRETOS DE MÉXICO, with address at Av. Coyoacán, Edificio 4 piso 2 #1622 Col. Del Valle, Código Postal 03100, Delegación Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, or by sending an email to the email address indicated in advance. 

For this purpose, 10 business days must elapse after receipt of your request, for the cancellation to be processed.

VIII.- Changes to the privacy notice

Secretos de México reserves the right to periodically update this Privacy Notice in accordance with changes in our information practices in response to new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision of our services or products.

These modifications will be available to the public through our website, therefore the holder may consult them on the site https://secretosdemexico.com.mx/. It is recommended that the holder consults our Privacy Notice, at least quarterly, to be updated on the conditions and terms of it.

 IX.- National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).

 The holder of personal data may, if considered that the right to protect personal data has been injured by the improper treatment, file a corresponding complaint with the Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI), for more information visit https://home.inai.org.mx/

July, 2021